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How do I post and tag content?

How do I post and tag content?

Post and Tag Content

You can start a post anywhere that shows "Start a Post" - the main dashboard, your personal profile, directly on a company's page to ask them questions, on another community members page, on Forums, and to Groups that you belong to. 

Start a Post Dashboard


When it comes to privacy, you can select who can see your post by selecting either "everyone" or "friends only".

Post Audience


Be sure to tag your posts with the appropriate tags so other members can easily search for content. You are not restricted to just the tags below, but current tags include:

  • #marketing
  • #socialmedia
  • #businessoperations
  • #finance
  • #startup
  • #roasting
  • #trends
  • #CoffeeFest
  • #restaurant
  • #barista
  • #latteart
  • #coldbrew
  • #training
  • #customerservice
  • #equipment
  • #ondemand