Now Accepting Proposals for our 2024 Educational Programming for Coffee Fest
We are seeking talented speakers who are objective, dynamic, and have a strong passion for the specialty coffee & tea industry.
The following tracks will be included in the 2024 Educational Programming. Your proposed seminar should fit into one of these areas:
- Business Operations - Topic examples include finance, design & layout, legal issues, cost reduction opportunities, running a successful business, HR, e-commerce & websites, finding a roaster, starting a new coffee business, recruitment and retention, marketing, branding, customer service, gift & loyalty, purchasing equipment, etc.
- Roasting & Green Coffee - Topic examples include cupping, seed-to-cup, roast profiles, purchasing roasting equipment, direct & fair trade, green coffee, packaging, etc.
- Skills Training - hands-on sessions, tasting, recipe building, trends, barista training, sensory analysis, etc.