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How do I set up my listing?

How do I set up my listing?

Upload Photos

Coffee Fest 365 Organization Page Setup

Click the 3 dots in the top right-hand corner of your cover photo to upload company photos.

The recommended sizes are: 

  • Profile (360 x 360 – best in circle) 

  •  Cover Photo (1440 x 360) 

  •  Featured Photo (200 x 250) 

Profile and Cover Photos appear once you click into the organization page, while Featured Photos appear on your directory listing. 


Add company information

You can customize your company listing URL (e.g., coffeefest365.com/clarionevents) and company website URL so it's easier for community members to find your business.

Screenshot of Organization Information Section on Coffee Fest 365

After you've made edits to About and Contact information, be sure to scroll down to save your updates